Mariano Féliz

Mariano Féliz is a social activist in Argentina. Currently, he mostly works on political education with and within social organizations, and is active in union struggles within the University and Research Center where he is employed. He is a professor at the Universidad Nacional de La Plata and researcher at the CIG-IDIHCS of the CONICET/UNLP. There, he teaches political economy and conducts research on the transformations of dependent capitalism and its relationship to social struggles. He is mostly concerned about recovering the tradition of Marxian Dependency Theory, showing how it can be articulated with current debates within feminist economics and Marxist ecological debates.

Dependent Capitalism, Social Reproduction, and Radical Social Change in Argentina: How to Confront New Conservative Politics in the Era of Transnational Capital

The transnationalization of capital in Argentina’s dependent economy has combined a process of increasing transnationalization of the state with an increasing exploitation of labour, nature, and the body-territory of women. This creates a growing problem for capital, as the contradiction between capital and life cannot find a political correlate leading to new forms of political integration and thus social and political stability. How do structural transformations in dependent economics (such as Argentina) in the era of transnational capital tend to strengthen conservatory politics, in the sense of a new consensus around development strategies that (tend to) neutralize radical political practices? How does the production and reproduction of capital in a dependent territory such as Argentina create the basis for the political advancement of conservative politics (in right-wing or populist forms) that promote a new myth of progressive capitalist development, even within increasingly authoritarian social relations?


Féliz, Mariano (2021), “2001 as a murmur, looting as a project and new promises for social change”, IRGAC Bulletin, Octubre, International Research Group on Authoritarianism and Counter-Strategies (IRGAC), Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, Berlín ( )

Féliz, Mariano (2021), “¿Veinte años no es nada? Neodesarrollismo, movimientos populares y nueva forma estatal en argentina”, (En)clave Comahue. Revista Patagónica de Estudios Sociales, Dossier “A veinte años de la crisis argentina del 2001”, 28(27), ISSN 2545-6393 ( ).

Féliz, Mariano (2021), “Nuevos acuerdos con el FMI ¿barrer a la vida debajo de la alfombra? De los usos de la sustentabilidad en los acuerdos recientes con Argentina”, Derechos En Acción, número especial “Fondo Monetario Internacional y Derechos Humanos”, 6(18), Verano 2020-2021. ISSN 2525-1678 ( (DOI: 10.24215/25251678e485 )

Féliz, Mariano y Díaz Lozano, Juliana Agustina (2020), “Reproducción de la vida, superexplotación y organización popular en clave feminista. Una lectura desde Argentina”, Cuestiones de Sociología, 23, eISSN 2346-8904, Diciembre (

Adoue, Silvia Beatriz, María Orlanda Pinassi, y Mariano Féliz. 2022. ‘¿Dónde Estamos y Hacia Dónde Vamos? Crisis Estructural Del Capital, Límites Del Progresismo y Alternativas Por Abajo y a La Izquierda’. Pp. 41–54 en Las fronteras y cuerpos contra el capital. Insurgencias feministas y populares en Abya Yala, editado por Juliana Díaz Lozano, Demly Tania Cruz Hernández, Lina Magalhaes, and Victoria Pasero. Buenos Aires – México: El Colectivo :: Bajo Tierra. 276 pgs. ( ). ISBN 978-987-8484-10-5

Féliz M. (2021). Despabílate humanidad sostenibilidad de la vida en riesgo a través de la pandemia. En C. Alister X. Cuadra J. Dasten Vejar B. Pantel & C. Ponce (Eds.) Cuestionamientos al modelo extractivista neoliberal desde el sur. Capitalismo territorios y resistencias (1ra ed., pp. 543–548). Santiago de Chile: Ariadna Ediciones ( )

Féliz, Mariano (2021), “Capitalismo en crisis, pandemia y resistencias populares”, en Melón, Daiana, y Relli Ugartamendía, Mariana. Geografías del conflicto. Crisis civilizatoria, resistencias y construcciones populares en la periferia capitalista, pp. 15-21. Muchos Mundos Ediciones, 160 pgs., Buenos Aires. ( )

Féliz, Mariano (2020). “Life after the virus: social reproduction in a post pandemic world”, Futures of Work, 14, Covid-19 Special #2, Junio, Bristol University Press,

Féliz, Mariano (2020). “It’s the end of the world… as we know it. The last capitalist pandemic?”, 45(1), Special Issue, Pandemic (Im)Possibilities, Mayo, The European Sociologist, European Sociological Association. ISSN 2415-6426.     

“La vida en el centro, la vida en juego. Crisis, pandemia y la urgencia del cambio social”, April 15th, 2020. publicada en ContrahegemoniaWeb, Dossier “América latina en la encrucijada: pandemia, rebeliones y estados de excepción”,

“Pandemonium: tiempo de cambiarlo todo”, March 25th, 2020, publicada en Zur,,

Féliz, Mariano (2019). “Neodevelopmentalism and Dependency in Twenty-first-Century Argentina: Insights from the Work of Ruy Mauro Marini”, Latin American Perspectives, 46(1), pp. 105-121,  

All Publications from Mariano Féliz: