„Brazil is experiencing a fascist uprising“ Interview with Vladimir Safatle

On January 8, more than 4,000 supporters of former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro invaded, looted, and vandalized public buildings, in what the professor Vladimir Safatle claims to be a „fascist insurrection“ with the support and collaboration of the military police

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Dossier | The Landless Workers’ Movement in Brazil During the COVID-19 Pandemic: How a Social Movement Feeds a Nation

The significance of the MST in Brazil has been most noticeable during the pandemic. In a country that lost more than 684.000 people to a disease brought by plane through the wealthy elite, in a society where racialized and sexualized bodies are always the most vulnerable, it was (and still is) extremely important to find solidarity between the country and the city

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Dossier | Neoliberal Performances for Local Development: The Case of Perdões (MG)

Perdões is a territory that has historically been of interest to railroad companies because of its strategic location between export areas and productive regions in the Brazilian countryside. In what follows, I will discuss this dispossession claim and its background within the scope of the emergence of neoliberal governmentality technologies and the restructuring of the state in Brazil

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Will Lula Get a Second Chance?

Brazil’s presidential election will decide whether the country continues down the path of reaction or joins the new Pink Tide

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Florestan Fernandes: Explaining Authoritarianism Beyond the Fascist Experience

One of the main challenges for understanding the concept of authoritarianism is the many different meanings it has. Already in the 1970s, Brazilian sociologist and political militant Florestan Fernandes analysed the ambiguity of the concept of authoritarianism and its use in political mainstream discourse. He assessed that if we explain authoritarianism only through the liberal lens – as being in opposition to “democracy” -, we ignore the inherent authoritarian tendencies of liberal democracy and its everyday abuse of power. Florestan proposed a different understanding instead.

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The Struggles against Authoritarianism in Brazil: An Interview with Raimundo Bonfim of the National Campaign “Out Bolsonaro!”

Raimundo Bonfim, national coordinator of the Centre of People’s Movements (CMP), talks about the current political situation in Brazil and gives perspectives on the struggle against Bolsonaro and the challenges currently posed to the Brazilian left.

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The Crisis of Brazilian Universities: higher education under Bolsonaro

The attack on science and knowledge production is known to be one of the main elements of the rise of the authoritarian right in the past decade. As one of the main global expressions of contemporary authoritarianism, Jair Bolsonaro is no exception to that. His government has been an important part of the context of difficulties for the higher education sector in Brazil, especially since research is highly dependent on public universities and funding agencies in the country. On top of that, the COVID pandemic in 2020 created difficulties for universities all around the world. If such a global crisis is expected to generate differentiated pressures across the Global North and South, the impact of authoritarian politics is surely prone to making the situation particularly delicate for universities.

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