„Brazil is experiencing a fascist uprising“ Interview with Vladimir Safatle

On January 8, more than 4,000 supporters of former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro invaded, looted, and vandalized public buildings, in what the professor Vladimir Safatle claims to be a „fascist insurrection“ with the support and collaboration of the military police

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Dossier | The Landless Workers’ Movement in Brazil During the COVID-19 Pandemic: How a Social Movement Feeds a Nation

The significance of the MST in Brazil has been most noticeable during the pandemic. In a country that lost more than 684.000 people to a disease brought by plane through the wealthy elite, in a society where racialized and sexualized bodies are always the most vulnerable, it was (and still is) extremely important to find solidarity between the country and the city

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Dossier | Neoliberal Performances for Local Development: The Case of Perdões (MG)

Perdões is a territory that has historically been of interest to railroad companies because of its strategic location between export areas and productive regions in the Brazilian countryside. In what follows, I will discuss this dispossession claim and its background within the scope of the emergence of neoliberal governmentality technologies and the restructuring of the state in Brazil

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Will Lula Get a Second Chance?

Brazil’s presidential election will decide whether the country continues down the path of reaction or joins the new Pink Tide

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Political Crisis in El Salvador and the Millennial Authoritarianism of Nayib Bukele: Interview with Fuerza Solidaria por El Salvador

El Salvador is experiencing an accelerated authoritarian drift at the hands of its eccentric president Nayib Bukele, which has led to widespread demonstrations. Bukele´s image is that of a millennial president, spontaneous, young, and cool. Yet this style goes hand in hand with the persecution of social activists, the removal of the entire Supreme Court and the militarization of society. To learn more about the current situation and ongoing protests, we spoke with activists from Fuerza Solidaria por El Salvador.

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